API Support added https & random drops as fix amount
Streaming Drops v. 1.3 ​
Attention:The logic of "RandomDrops" in "settings.yml" was changed from version 1.2 to version 1.3.
Change Log:​
+Added https for twitch api requests +Changed logic of "RandomDrops" to
fix number of drops
Developer Comment​
In this update the support of https for the Twitch API requests has been reintegrated. These have been changed to http for testing purposes in the meantime, but there are no significant differences. Therefore this has been changed back to https, as the use of https should be used whenever possible.
In addition, the "RandomDrops" option in the "settings.yml" file has been adjusted. This option already existed in the past, but here the specification used to be "percentage" to indicate how many drops should be given from the entire drop list. Since the percentage was more confusing than beneficial to most people, I have now changed this to a fixed value.
Example: In the following example we assume that the total drops are a number of 10: