Streaming Drops v. 1.1
Streaming Drops v. 1.1
The file "settings.yml" was changed from version 1.0 to version 1.1.
Change Log:​
Added new option, that Drops will be send
only to follower
message for joining players, to show them, which
streamer are
currently online
+ Bugfix - Under certain circumstances, the drop probability was
not distributed to all players
+ Added new option for some messages to
logging which player got a drop
Changed - redesign of the file "settings.yml"
Developer Comment​
This update enabled the features and capabilities of StreamingDrops when configuring the plugin. Among other things, the file "settings.yml" has been redesigned to allow easier configuration and to keep track of all possible settings.
The functions "DropsOnlyForFollower" (twitch), as well as a message when the player joins, to the player, which streamers are currently online, were requested by the community and implemented accordingly.