Stats Scoreboard icon

Stats Scoreboard -----

| Get your Stats on a Scoreboard! | 1.20+ Support! | HEX UPDATE!!!

Plugin Rework

Hello everyone! I have been spending all this extra time I have now to rework most the code inside the plugin. Something new is SQLite Its another way of storing stats inside of a local file. Here's how it works:​

SQLite stores its data in a .db file. this file can only be edited with a .db file viewer program. Something simple like this will work just fine. NOTICE there is no real need to edit/view the file as the plugin handles that all. Most stats edits can be changed with ingame commands!

NOTICE: MySQL support is NOT in this update. As I am still working out some issues I am having with it was not possible to get it working in time for this update.

Patch Notes:

Holograms got updated. There is now a Deaths leaderboard and
Separate Hologram support.
  • - /StatsSB createdisplay <name> <kill/death>- Creates the leaderboard hologram
  • - /StatsSB deletedisplay <name>- Deletes named hologram
  • - /StatsSB displays - Lists all holograms names and types.
- statssb.admin

CombatTags got Re-Coded to be more code/memory friendly. Everything is still used the same.

There was extensive Re-Coding on this version. Most of the code changed. It all works the same for the most part other then the few additions. This update will make it easier for me to implement future updates. If you have a update Idea please let me know over on my discord!

Shout Out to my version testers This update could not have been properly tested without them.
- VanillaChanny - MySQL Testing.
- H4llstorm - SQLite Testing, Hologram Testing, Command Testing.
----------, Apr 4, 2020
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 78,346
First Release: Jul 6, 2017
Last Update: Jul 3, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
52 ratings
Version -----
Released: --------------------
Downloads: ------
Version Rating:
-- ratings