Code (YAML):
################################################################## # Stats Scoreboard Premium Config # # Color Codes Supported # ################################################################## MainOptions: # Update Checker will check if there's an update and notify the console and players with the permission statssb.admin UpdateChecker: true
# Messages Section. Toggle whether you want random kill/death messages or a set message. # Setting false will pick the top message in the messages.yml file. # CustomMessages: false # RandomKillMessages: true # RandomArrowMessages: false # RandomOtherMessages: false
# Kill Prefix puts the amount of player kills in front of the players name. KillPrefix: false
KillPrefixLayout: "&8[&b%kills%&8]" KillPrefixInsideLayout:
- "&cUser: &f%user%" - "&bKills: &f%user%" - "&bDeaths: &f%user%" - "&bKD: &f%user%" - "&bStreak: &f%user%"
# Disable Certain World Stats, You can disable specific worlds from tracking stats. DisableCertainWorldStats: false
EnabledWorlds: - world
- pvp
# Kill Streaks track how many kills in a row a player has. (Will display on the /stats, and Scoreboard) KillStreaks:
enabled: true
# Combat Tags, Place fighting players into a state that locks the players from escaping from the aggressor. CombatTags:
enabled: false
TagTime: 10
DisableFlight: true
DisableCommands: true
CommandInCombat: "&cYou are in Combat for %time% more seconds." CommandOutOfCombat: "&aYou are not in Combat." EnteredCombatMessage: "&cYou have entered combat. Do not log out!" LeftCombatMessage: "&aYou are no longer in combat. You can log out safely." BlacklistedCommandInCombat: "&cYou cannot use this command in combat! &7(&c%seconds% second(s) left&7)" KilledBecauseOffline: "&a%player% &cHas logged out in combat. Their items have dropped." Disabled: -
"fly" -
"spawn" -
"hub" -
#Stats Command Settings. StatsCommand:
enabled: true
enable-permission: false
no-permission-message: "&cYou do not have the Correct Permissions for this Command!" CustomMessage: false
Message: -
"&9&l&m----------------------" - "&3User: &7%user%" - "&3Placement: &7%rank%" - "&3Kills: &7%kills%" - "&3Deaths: &7%deaths%" - "&3KD: &7%kd%" - "&3Streak: &7%streak%" -
# MySQL, Leave Disabled if you don't know what this is. MySQL:
Enabled: false
Port: 3306
dbName: minecraft
Username: StatsSBSQL
Password: password12345