Heyo! Sorry for taking as long as it did, I've been extremely busy and as much as I love coding, I simply didn't have the time.
I did a extensive Re-Code this update and I'm sure you will notice.
I have a discord you can come to to ask for support or give feedback on the plugin you can join that:
This Update Contains:
/StatsSB Command. This command is a main plugin command that shows the available commands to the player. If the player is an admin they will see the admin commands. ( default permission: statssb.admin )
/ToggleScoreboard Command This command toggles on/off the scoreboard for individual players, if you have a player that simply doesn't want a scoreboard they can remove it. ( alias: /tsb permission: statssb.togglescoreboard )
Leaderboard is now customizable. You can now customize exactly what each line says/how many players are showed.
/StatsSB Set/Add/Remove Command Big Quality of life feature, No need to have to dig into the config files to edit players kills/deaths. This will also auto update MySQL if enabled.
Leaderboard Rank now displayed in /stats I had a few people ask to show what position the player is on on the /stats command. This is now possible on default stats command and custom using the %rank% placeholder.
Update Detector. Console and Admins with ( statssb.admin ) will get a message in chat when a update is available.
Code should be more stable, and easier/less "laggy".