SQLib - hikariCP (sqlite and mysql) icon

SQLib - hikariCP (sqlite and mysql) -----

A library to help write and execute sql statements with jdbc Supports sqlite and mysql Uses hikariCP

Everything is documented and with examples (auto generated). Add with maven and download sources to view docs inside IDE.

Create an SQLite database
Code (Java):
Database database = SQLib. createDatabase ( new File ( "database.db" ) ) ;
Create a MySQL database
Code (Java):
Database database = SQLib. createDatabase ( "database", "localhost", "3306", "username", "password" ) ;
To get a DataSource for SQLite or MySQL use SQLib#createDataSource with the same parameters as above (You most likely don't need this)
Code (Java):
DataSource dataSource = SQLib. createDataSource ( new File ( "database.db" ) ) ;
Create a DatabaseStatement
Code (Java):
DatabaseStatement stmt = database. createStatement ( "INSERT INTO players (id, name) VALUES (?, ?);" ) ;
Add a PreparedStatement parameter
Code (Text):
Add a PreparedStatement option
Code (Text):
stmt.addOption(pStmt -> pStmt.setString(2, "Mark"))
Create a DataTable
Code (Java):
DataTable dataTable = database. tableOf ( "players" ) ;
Alter table
Code (Java):
dataTable. create ( String... columns ) ;

dataTable. createIfNotExists ( String... columns ) ;

dataTable. drop ( ) ; // removes the table from the database

dataTable. rename ( String newName ) ;

dataTable. clear ( ) ;

dataTable. addColumn ( String columnDefinition ) ;

dataTable. renameColumn ( String oldName, String newName ) ;
Update table
Code (Java):
//Warning: some of these statements require you to set parameters before execution. See PreparedStatement jdbc.

dataTable. insert ( String clause ). executeUpdate ( ) ;

dataTable. insertInto ( String... columns ) %SET_PARAMETERS %. executeUpdate ( ) ;

dataTable. insertAll ( String... values ). executeUpdate ( ) ;

dataTable. insertAll ( int parameters ) %SET_PARAMETERS %. executeUpdate ( ) ;

dataTable. set ( String clause ). executeUpdate ( ) ;

dataTable. delete ( String clause ). executeUpdate ( ) ;
Query table
Code (Java):
//Selects all columns for the rows included in the clause
dataTable. select ( String clause ). executeQuery (resultSet -> { } ) ;

//Selects the specified columns for the rows included in the clause
dataTable. select ( String clause, String... columns ). executeQuery (resultSet -> { } ) ;

//Selects all rows and all columns
dataTable. selectAll ( ). executeQuery (resultSet -> { } ) ;

//Selects the specified columns for all rows
dataTable. selectAll ( String... columns ). executeQuery (resultSet -> { } ) ;

//Executes once for the first row if found
dataTable. selectAll ( ). fetchRow (resultSet -> { } ) ;

//Executes once for each row found
dataTable. selectAll ( ). fetchAllRows (resultSet -> { } ) ;
If you're curious of implementation
Code (Java):
DataSource dataSource ; //Obtain your dataSource
Database database = new SimpleDatabase ( "databaseName", dataSource ) ;
DataTable dataTable = new GenericDataTable ( "tableName", database ) ;
DatabaseStatement stmt = new GenericDatabaseStatement (database, "sql" ) ;
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 72
First Release: Jul 16, 2024
Last Update: Aug 3, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
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