*You don't need to update the browser extension manually*
Long story short: SpigotSearchEngine is updated to version 3.0.1 (Please don't ask why it isn't version 3.0.0 ... )
Added: + Support for MC 1.20
The backend of the addon has been completely rewritten and is now based on the Official XenForo API from SpigotMC. What does this mean? The search entries will always be up to date in the future and updates for new Minecraft versions will also be released faster. Unfortunately, some minor features of the addon had to be dropped for this, such as sorting by updates. However, I think that the advantages will outweigh... At this point I would also like to apologize to everyone who has been waiting for the update for a while ... Writing a new backend is not funny all the time...
For the Fierfox users among you (yes, we still exist!): With this update you have to give the addon some rights in order to show the search on SpigotMC. You can find the tutorial here: https://fof1092.de/Plugins/SSE/FirefoxInstall
PS. I don't know when Google will release the update for Chrome, the Firefox update was released within a few minutes ... apparently there are still good reasons to use Firefox