Added a option to let players fly through checkpoints, at Options.Can-Fly-Through-Checkpoints
Added Win Music option.
At Options.Win-Music, if not empty it will play the a song from the songs folder when the game ends
Inventory saving system will now also store location, the global spawn will be used for configuration and in case something is wrong with player location.
(BETA) Readded the old win system
Enable Check all the options at Options.Winner-Spectate-System
If a player cross the finish line, a countdown will start until at leastX players also finish the race, players who cross the finish line will be put in spectator mode.
All record system works with this option
A new placeholder can be used on the Scoreboard %timeout_timer%
Can be empty, can be used along other placeholders, for example:
Your timer: &a%timer% &c%timeout_timer%'
Sounds can now be empty to not play anything
Updated NoteBlockAPI
Heavily optimized some time systems
Please do test the new win system if you are going to use it, only tested with a few players, report bugs via PM or discussion.