You can now enable vehicles in game, set
Vehicles.Enable-Vehicles to true in settings.yml. Please report bugs at Discussion ir via Private Message.
- To add vehicles to your arena, you must use
- /speedrun setVehicle <arena> <type>
- Types: Horse, Boat, All
- All will give the items for both vehicle types
- To use boats, do not forget to go to your arena.yml, set Check-Water to false and finish the arena to apply the changes.
- You can customize the vehicle in settings.yml Vehicle section.
- You can also customize all messages and vehicle names.
Fun trick with the boat! You can gain speed and height with the boat if you click the item while looking up, that's was not supposed to happen but it was fun to test so I've added this as a option to the boat, that's the
Vehicles.Boat.Boost-When-Looking-Up option.