SpeedRun was using an old version of the original NoteBlockAPI in its source code, I've decided to update it for the new NoteBlockAPI, using as an API. Download NoteBlockAPI to get the game sound working again.
NoteBlockAPI has some cool systems and will work better for us.
Will not really change anything in terms of performance of your server to use it since it's only an API, actually should be better since we got cleaner code.
With NoteBlockAPI, the sound in-game can now loop.
Like in my all other resources, I've decided to shade some dependencies with the plugin to prevent it from getting resources from another API.
We're now on version 7.0.0, I think I made some confusion with past versions, sorry! This is the correct version number.
Some changes to score system for future updates.
Fixed sr.player permission for join and stats command.
Fixed a bug where water isn't working correctly.
Fixed a bug where lava and water values are not being correctly loaded.
Fixed a bug where some floating bocks (like signs) are being detected.
Fixed the spawn point is sometimes moving you out of the center of the checkpoint.
Fixed game song (NoteBlock and MCJukebox) still playing even when music is set to false.
Fixed block debug on testing mode.
Added /sr addInventory
Will add all blocks from your inventory to the arena config.