0.4.0 | Folia Support, Text Formatting, Signed Messages & More
- Introduces Folia support
- Introduces Markdown-style formatting for players
- Adds native support for signed messages
- Adds native emoji and keyword auto-completion without requiring PacketEvents
- Adds /social parse, which allows to format text with social's text processors
- Server admins can now mute players
- The configuration experience has been revamped
- Mentions have been reworked with a focus on performance
- Permissions now follow a simpler social.use.<command>.<subcommand> structure
- Reactions can now use sounds added by resource packs
- Fixes an issue where parser groups would process its inner members by iterating through them instead of acting as an actual group
- Fixes an issue when starting the plugin which caused a NullPointerException
- Fixes an issue where stored nicknames were not available until a player rejoined
- Fixes an issue where stored nicknames were cached after the player had already joined
- Fixes an issue with the PlaceholderAPI integration where legacy color formatting wasn't parsed properly
- Fixes an issue with the DiscordSRV integration where listeners and hooks weren't unregistered