Smiley Player Trader icon

Smiley Player Trader -----

Allows you to trade with players using the Villager GUI.

Smiley Player Trader Version 1.2.0
Change Log
  • 1.16 Support!
  • Sub-commands can now be tab completed
  • You can toggle off trade right clicking with `/spt toggle`
  • Trading is automatically toggled off for a short period of time if you enter combat, so you don't accidentally open the trading interface.
  • You can now trade even when you are not nearby the player with `/spt trade <name>` (deny `` to disable)
  • Bug Fix: If the merchant goes offline while you are trading with them, the trade will fail with an error message informing you of this.
  • Bug Fix: You can no longer set your product, cost or secondary cost as something which is either air or not an item.
  • Bug Fix: You can no longer trade with Citizens NPCs. These have separate UUIDs which do not connect to the UUID of the player they have the username of.
  • Code Change: Upgraded bStats to 1.7
  • Code Change: Split commands into multiple files.

Updating Config
Option 1: Look at config.yml and set the settings you want in your config.yml.
Option 2: Rename your config.yml and restart/reload your server and then re-apply your settings to the new config.yml and restart/reload the server again to apply them.
----------, Jun 27, 2020
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 2,229
First Release: Jan 5, 2020
Last Update: Dec 4, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
4 ratings
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Version -----
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Downloads: ------
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