Sleep most [1.8 > 1.21.X] The most advanced sleep plugin available (percentage, animations, ..) icon

Sleep most [1.8 > 1.21.X] The most advanced sleep plugin available (percentage, animations, ..) -----

Control the amount of percentage of sleeping players required to make it day

Sleep most 4.7.0 - HEX colors and new placeholder
Good evening everyone

It's been long time ago I posted an update on the plugin.But I'm happy to announce that we officially release sleep most 4.7.0!

The reason for the inactivity is due to inreal difficulties which are now sorted. I'm happy to announce that this is just the start of again quality content being delivered to you.

A special thank you to 2 others:
  • Mazgani who actively helped in the development of this version
  • RainbowDashLab on github who contributed the sleep most project with some major improvements and converting to a maven supported project. You are hereby also mentioned in the contributers of the plugin.

So what is new?

HEX color support
You can now use HEX color codes for coloring your messages. Be aware, this is only possible as of 1.16. Take note that the green color which is not an available chatcolor by default.

Simply use any hex decimal before your message to use a custom HEX color code.

night skipped hex color.png

New %dplayer% placeholder
As requested we added a new placeholder that takes the entire display name of the user instead. use %dplayer% to get the full display name such as a nickname or prefix.

Behind the screen updates
Code changes took place to drastically improve certain aspects of the code and have a better way to define what is possibe for which minecraft version.

That was it for this update. Feel free to leave ur feedback as well as suggestions in our official discord channel. We are always happy to help you further.

Kind regards

Team Pseudonova
----------, Dec 28, 2020
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 342,348
First Release: Sep 6, 2018
Last Update: Feb 19, 2025
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
106 ratings
Version -----
Released: --------------------
Downloads: ------
Version Rating:
-- ratings