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SkyGridx -----

Experience the Latest Blocks, Customize Your SkyGrid, and Enjoy Real-Time, Efficient Generation.

Full Overhaul
New Feature and Improvements
Check out the updated installation Instructions

  • Generator Overhaul: Completely revamped the generator for a 2x efficiency boost. Eliminated unnecessary chunk clearing checks, relying entirely on the datapack for smoother operation. Moved away from reliance on files to keep track of data, the only files now needed are in the OreGenBlock folder and SkygridBlocks folder.
  • Introduction of GrowthControl Class: Ensures regulated growth of sugarcane and cactus generated by the system. Includes optional log commands (toggleable with 'gclogson' and 'gclogsoff') for tracking controlled plants, enhancing server management. This maintains the integrity of the skygrid over time with minimal performance impact. Even under simulated heavy loads, such as a high 'randomtickspeed' for 300 players, no discernible TPS drop occurred.
  • Built-in Fog Feature: Added a new fog feature accompanied by a texture pack. Admins can enable it using '/fogon' and disable with '/fogoff'. This feature allows lower render distances without disrupting immersion. Upon server connection, users will receive a prompt to install a datapack for the fog; failure to install may result in a white bar at the top when the fog feature is activated. The texture pack conceals this UI change, crucial for the feature to function properly, as it cannot be implemented directly into the server's datapack files due to its nature.
  • Reworked Ore Generation: Enhanced control allowing customization of stone and cobblestone generation via a new yml format. Preserves existing txt files for those with modifications, enabling an easy port-over to the new format.
New Oregen YML:

Code (YAML):
# Ore Replacement Chances

# This file is used to specify the chances of different ores being chosen for replacement
# when lava or water generates stone blocks in the world. The stone generate in the world can be replaced by any block you want as long as its in the bukkit materials list

# Format: Material_Name:Percentage
# The percentage represents the chance (in whole numbers) of the ore being chosen
# for replacement out of the total replacements when lava or water generates stone.

# Each line represents one ore with its corresponding replacement chance.
# Lines starting with '#' are considered comments and will be ignored by the code.

# Example:
# This means that there is a 5% chance of a diamond ore block being chosen
# when lava or water generates a stone block.

# The total sum of percentages should be less than or equal to 100.
# If the sum exceeds 100, the probabilities will be scaled down proportionally
# to fit within the 0-100 range.

# For example, if the total sum of percentages exceeds 100 as follows:

# The total sum is 40 + 60 + 30 + 20 = 150, which exceeds 100.
# To fit within the 0-100 range, the probabilities will be scaled down proportionally:
# DIAMOND_ORE: 40 * (100 / 150) = 26 (approximately 27)
# COAL_ORE: 60 * (100 / 150) = 40
# IRON_ORE: 30 * (100 / 150) = 20
# GOLD_ORE: 20 * (100 / 150) = 13 (approximately 13)

# The adjusted probabilities now add up to 26 + 40 + 20 + 13 = 99, which is within the 0-100 range.

#For if the block generated though water and lava is stone
: 98
: 0.3
: 0.4
: 0.1
: 0.1
: 0.2
: 0.4
: 0.2
: 0.3

#For if the block generated though water and lava is cobblestone
: 98
: 0.3
: 0.4
: 0.1
: 0.1
: 0.2
: 0.4
: 0.2
: 0.3
----------, Dec 26, 2023
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 1,845
First Release: Oct 12, 2023
Last Update: Feb 17, 2025
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
5 ratings
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