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SkyGridx -----

Experience the Latest Blocks, Customize Your SkyGrid, and Enjoy Real-Time, Efficient Generation.

Critical Update: Data Safety!
  • Thread Safety: The original code was not thread-safe, which could lead to data inconsistency when multiple threads access and modify the clearedChunks set simultaneously.
  • Saving Chunks: The plugin needed to save cleared chunks periodically, but there was no mechanism to do so at regular intervals.
  • Chunk Clearing: The code clears chunks in response to the ChunkLoadEvent, but it was necessary to ensure that the chunks were not cleared repeatedly.
  • Thread Safety: Used a ConcurrentHashMap.newKeySet() for the clearedChunks set to make it thread-safe. Additionally, I added the synchronized keyword to the saveClearedChunks method to ensure that the saving process is thread-safe.

  • Saving Chunks: Implemented a scheduled task using Bukkit's scheduler to call the saveClearedChunks method at regular intervals (e.g., every 5 seconds) to save cleared chunks.

  • Chunk Clearing: Introduced a check in the clearChunk method to ensure that chunks are not cleared again if they have already been cleared. This helps prevent repeated clearing of chunks in the same session.
By making these changes, the plugin should now handle data more safely and efficiently, especially in multi-threaded environments, and ensure that cleared chunks are saved periodically.
----------, Oct 18, 2023
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 1,845
First Release: Oct 12, 2023
Last Update: Feb 17, 2025
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
5 ratings
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