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Skript -----

Create unique and inspiring features for Minecraft servers.

Patch Release 2.9.1
Skript 2.9.1

Skript 2.9.1 is here to resolve some of the most notable issues reported with 2.9.0. We will continue to assess stability and make fixes as necessary. As always, you can report any issues on our issue tracker.

Happy Skripting!


- #6906 Added some additional spawn reasons from 1.21.
- #6919 Added 'pufferfish' as an alias for the 'puffer fish' entity data.

- #6854 Updated the display name of potion effect types from 'potion' to 'potion effect type'.

Bug Fixes
- #6897 Fixed an issue where sorting the indices of a list with children caused an error.
- #6909 Fixed an issue with Timespan#getAs(), which was breaking timespan arithmetic.
- #6910 Fixed an issue where the 'play sound' effect would cause runtime errors on some server versions.
- #6926 Fixed an issue where Skript could fail to start on some 1.21 server versions.
- #6932 Fixed an issue with the SimplifiedChinese translation that caused a startup error.
- #6947 Fixed an issue where the 'remaining air' expression would cause runtime errors.
- #6948 Fixed an issue where using some events would cause parsetime errors.
- #6949 Fixed an issue where reloading the aliases would not automatically regenerate missing aliases.

Click here to view the full list of commits made since 2.9.0


Help Us Test
We have an official Discord community for beta testing Skript's new features and releases.

As always, if you encounter any issues or have some minor suggestions, please report them at
If you have any bigger ideas or input for the future of Skript, you can share those too at
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