v14.0.2 HOTFIX delay updates & moved api.github.com warning to debug
Your spigot server should update automatically [Changelog below]
We are sorry for the issue with the updater, we did not know it would happen this often and this version should ignore the warning as well as reducing the issue.
IF you have issues with Velocity since v14: Commands stopped working for you when using velocity? Add the bungee override file named "disableBungeeMode" [Image] (will be fixed later release to add compatability)
Delayed updater check from each 10 minutes to each hour
api.github.com firewall warning moved to debug.
Past hoftfix:
Fixed a bug causing [SkinsRestorer] Failed to get release info from api.github.com for the first time on host startup
Fixed a break when using nonspigot implementation (CraftBukkit)