5 YEAR Anniversary ANNOUNCEMENT!!!
(changes below)
A project started by Shevchik on april 2014 and forked by Th3Tr0LLeR on december 2014.
The project did have a long road to where it stands today, a lot of sweat, energy drink, frustration and discussions were spent on it. To be the universal tool that we are today, I can say with pride, that the run has been very successful so far.
A tool that doesn't "support piracy", but rather gives server owners the ease to run bungeecord networks in offline mode and integrate intergrate their minigames with our new api to set skins!
A few facts you might not know:
- The first config was in .json format
- Skype support used to be a thing.
- xknat is still unable to code in java.
- McLive is firefighting the project and real life!
- Still same [;_;] project icon.
- Each member of our team (staff and dev) is from a different country.
- EACH update we post, Spigotmc.org goes down for few seconds.
Changes in this version:
- Skins gui support for BungeeCord setups
- Skin url is now SkinsWithoutPerms (so enabled on default)
In 13.7.4 we added the api, and now GUI for bungeecord so what is next?
Well we did say:
- custom skulls
- custom npc
BUT, first we will work on performance issues with storing and applying the skin to make SkinsRestorer a even faster, before we make it "slower" with extra features.
SO we plan to add:
- Multi-langue support
- Better skin storage
This update:
- /Skin URL is now allowed by DEFAULT (in skinswithoutperms)
Huge shout out to
for the api https://mineskin.org/ that makes this possible.
We will monitor the usage and deploy it by default in the next release.
We also see people reaching out to us regarding the api, which is great! We'd love to get feedback! So keep us updated on the cool things you did with it on our discord and if you need any help, open a ticket.
Enjoy your holiday, best wishes and a happy new year!
Up to another 5 great years!