%scs_player_max_claims% : return the amount of remains claims of a player (max-claims - actual-claims)
%scs_player_teleportation_delay% : return the teleportation delay of a player
%scs_player_max_members% : return the max members per claim value of a player
%scs_player_claim_cost% : return the cost of a new claim for a player
%scs_player_claim_cost_multiplier% : return the cost multiplier for a player
+ Add new sub arg for /unclaim command - You can now use /unclaim <name> with the name of a claim to unclaim it
- You can now use /unclaim * to unclaim all your claims (only with the permission
+ Optimize the permissions & members system storage
Before :
After :
Same for users of the database system, modifications are made themselves by loading the claims.
+ Add a new button on the claims gui - A filter button (all claims, claims on sale)
+ Fix an autoclaim issue when you moved
+ Fix issues on claim radius with files (not db)
+ Add a public message when player put one of his claim in sale
+ Fix an issue when you try to remove a player from your claim, that told you the name of the claim instead the name of the target player
+ Remove case sensitive on player names when adding/removing a player to/from your claim