Protected areas commands - /aclaim [<radius>] : Claim a protected area, optional radius
- /aclaim setdesc [<name>] <description> : Set/change the description of protected area
(name of claim) -
/aclaim setname [<name>] <new name> : Set/change the name of protected area
(name of claim) -
/aclaim settings [<name>] : Open the settings gui
(name of claim) -
/aclaim members [<name>] : Open the members gui
(name of claim) -
/aclaim tp <name> : Teleport to a protected area
(name of claim) -
/aclaim list : Open a gui with the list of admin claims
Settings commands -
/aclaim<player/group> set-members <player/group> <max-members> : Set the max members per claim for a player/group
+ Remove the /claim admin command
+ Add member permission - Use scs.members.<count> : to change the maximum members count per claim
+ Add placeholders (PlaceholderAPI)
Code (Text):
%scs_claim_is_in_sale% : return true or false if the claim is in sale
%scs_claim_sale_price% : return the price of the claim