+ Fix an issue when you go back setting in claim list
+ Fix a bossbar issue
+ Add WorldGuard support - Use "scs-claim" flag to allow/deny claim in an area
+ Add economy system, Vault support - You can now sell/buy claims, you can disable economy in config.yml
- /sclaim sell <name> <price> : Sell a claim, you can configure a maximum price in config.yml
- /sclaim cancel <name> : Cancel a sale
Code (Text):
# Enable/Disable the economy system (sell/buy claims)
economy: true
max-sell-price: 1000000000
Don't forget to update your language file
+ Add description for claims - Change your claim's description : /claim setdesc [<name>] <desc>
+ Add an option to disable teleportations to claims
Code (Text):
# Enable/Disable the teleportation command and teleportation in claims gui list / my claims gui
teleportation: true