+ Add player settings - Max-claims per player
- Max-radius-claims per player
- Teleportation-delay per player
Code (Text):
# Players settings
# 0 for infinite claims
# 0 for no delay (in seconds)
# Be careful, if you set the claim radius to 0, there is a risk of lag if players claim with a too large radius
max-claims: 0
max-radius-claims: 0
teleportation-delay: 0
+ Add admin commands & change reload command Admin commands - permission: scs.admin
/aclaimreload : Reload the plugin
/aclaimsetlimit <player> <max-claims-number> : Set the maximum count of claims for a player
/aclaimsetradius <player> <max-claim-radius-number> : Set the maximum radius for claim for a player
/aclaimsetdelay <player> <delay-in-seconds> : Set the teleportation delay for a player
+ Add PlaceholderAPI support on EVERY messages (gui)
+ Optimize the claim system using UUID and 1 file per player - Now, the claims are into the folder claims/ inside every .yml files (name of file = %uuid of player%.yml
- Don't worry, the claims will update themselves, don't touch the plugin files!