Fix issues and add an editable system for guis menu
- Remove guis' title in language file (now in guis files)
+ Fix a minor issue with tab complete
+ Add a editable system for guis menu - You can now edit any guis menu of the plugin
PlaceholderAPI support (for titles and lores)
ItemsAdder support for custom model data (for materials)
# PlaceholderAPI support for gui title and custom items titles/lores
# ItemsAdder support for material and custom_model_data
# Make sure the slot is between 0 and (rows-count * 9)
# Materials :
# Don't forget to enable custom_model_data if you're using it
# This is the interval of slots in which the members of a claim will be displayed
# list-end-slot must be > list-start-slot
list-start-slot: 0
list-end-slot: 44
custom_items: {}
# example_item:
# title: "§aThis is an example item!"
# lore: "§fline 1\n§byou can put differents lines!\n§dline 3\n§cDisable this item in guis/settings.yml"
# slot: 45
# material: DIAMOND_SWORD
# custom_model_data: false
# custom_model_data_value: 0
# /!\ DON'T CHANGE NAME OF ITEMS (like "back-page-list")
# Player item
# If material = PLAYER_HEAD, this will be the target player's head
# Slots can be configure just above with list-start-slot and list-end-slot
material: PLAYER_HEAD
custom_model_data: false
custom_model_data_value: 0
Example of using custom model data with
ItemsAdder :
Code (Text):
title: "§aThis is an example item!"
lore: "§fline 1\n§byou can put differents lines!\n§dline 3\n§cDisable this item in guis/settings.yml"
slot: 45
material: mycustomitemfromitemsadder
custom_model_data: true
custom_model_data_value: 52685 # id of custom model data item