This update adds integration with PlaceholderAPI. You can now use PAPI Placeholders inside all messages of ShowItem itself as well as use placeholders of ShowItem in other plugins. Please note that ShowItem placeholders will only work in messages in the chat, not in other places like titls or lores! (At least for now.) The new available placeholders are as follows:
showitem_item, showitem_item_mainhand - Shows the item in the hand of the player
showitem_item_<mainhand|offhand|helmet|chest|leggings|boots> - Shows a specific named slot of the player
showitem_item_<slot> - Shows a specific slot number (similar to /showslot) of the player
showitem_item_<slot>_<playername> - Shows the item of a specific other player in the named or numbered slot
showitem_inv - Shows the inventory of the player
showitem_inv_<playername> - Shows the inventory of another player
showitem_ender - Shows the enderchest of the player
showitem_ender_<playername> - Shows the enderchest of another player
Item icons in the messages are now disabled by default until the resource pack required to use them was updated. (If you want to use it on old versions or have updated the pack on your own just set texticon-rp: true in the config. (Existing installations are not affected by that)