ShowItem 1.4.2 - Block items from being able to show
Add config options to block players from showing certain items. The config is structured in a way that you can define global default values and also specify certain categories for more fine control over who has access to show which items as you can set bypass permissions (showitem.blockbypass.specific.<name>) for each category. Items must match all options for them to be blocked.
showitem.blockbypass.specific.default bypasses the default values in the "block" root.
Granting just showitem.blockbypass bypasses all blocks.
Default config section with comments about the functionality:
Code (YAML):
# Block certain items from getting shown. # Can be bypassed with showitem.blockbypass and showitem.blockbypass.<blockname> block: # List of materials to block # Materials: material: [] # - STONE # - DIAMOND_SWORD
# Block items with certain strings in their names from getting shown (case-insensitive) # r= prefix indicates that the string should be handled as a regex name: [] # - "name 1" # - "r=name \\d"
# Block items with certain strings in the lore from getting shown (case-insensitive) # r= prefix indicates that the string should be handled as a regex lore: [] # - "name 1" # - "r=name \\d"
# Item durability value, can use comparators, <x, >x, =x, !=x or just equal a single number # Also supports chaining of comparators with a comma. E.g. >5,<20 for between 5 and 20 durability: "<0"
# Block items with the unbreakable tag unbreakable: false
# Block items with certain enchantments, can block both all or only certain levels # Names: # Can take the same comparators as the durability enchantments: [] # - "DAMAGE_ALL" # - "ARROW_DAMAGE:>2"
# Serialize the item to YAML and filter it with regex. # This is only for advanced users and is less efficient, leave empty to disable. serialized: "" specific: # Block only specific items that match certain block types. All global types can be used. # Can by bypassed with showitem.blockbypass.specific.<name> e.g. showitem.blockbypass.specific.special-sword special-sword:
material: - DIAMOND_SWORD
name: -
"Phoenix616's Sword" unbreakable: true
enchantments: -
"DAMAGE_ALL:>9000" # Add multiple matcher, e.g. an invenerted matcher that # blocks everything that isn't in this matcher # inverted-match: # inverted: true # material: # - WRITTEN_BOOK