Shopkeepers List | Addon for Shopkeepers | 1.21 support icon

Shopkeepers List | Addon for Shopkeepers | 1.21 support -----

Effortlessly find shopkeepers on your server with a single command using this plugin.

Added customization options and teleport functionality
I've (finally) added more configuration options! I accidentally added the unfinished configuration file to the previous update (1.3), so if you've already installed that one, please delete the old config.yml file. Then, once you restart your server, it'll generate the new and updated configuration file for you.

I've also added:
- The possibility to teleport to shopkeepers- requires the shopkeeperslist.teleport permission.
- A quick help command- accessed using /shopkeeperslist help or simply /shopkeeperslist.
- A reload command, used for reloading the configuration file after you've made changes to it. This way, you don't have to restart the server for the changes to show up. The command is /shopkeeperslist reload and it requires the permission shopkeeperslist.reload.

If you're experiencing any errors, please let me know in the discussions tab!
----------, Jul 1, 2024
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 2,044
First Release: Jul 6, 2023
Last Update: Jul 28, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
5 ratings
Version -----
Released: --------------------
Downloads: ------
Version Rating:
-- ratings