ServerVariables | Custom Data and Variables for Players [1.8-1.21.4] icon

ServerVariables | Custom Data and Variables for Players [1.8-1.21.4] -----

Create your own player (and server) variables and manage their values using commands!


(This is a Spanish Discord, however there is a category for both spanish and english support. Go to the "Plugins Ajneb97" category and there you can ask for help in the "general" channel. If you need MY help specifically, then ask me in the discussion of the plugin here on SpigotMC)

What can I do with ServerVariables?
This plugin allows you to create your own variables for the server and players, meaning you have total control on which values you set. Variables are modified through commands, and you can obtain them by using the /svar get <variable> command or via PlaceholderAPI.

Some examples of what you can do with the plugin:
  1. An economy system, creating multiple currencies.
  2. A portal that has an on/off status.
  3. Custom player points system.
  4. Set a number of infractions to a player when they do something wrong.
  5. A life system, tracking when the player dies and reducing the amount of lives the player has (Using my plugin ConditionalEvents).
✓ Create player variables
✓ Create global (or server) variables
✓ Value type for variables: TEXT, INTEGER, DOUBLE
✓ Possible values for variables
✓ Possible display values for variables
✓ Initial value for variables
✓ Commands to set/get/increment/reduce/reset a certain variable for the player or the server
✓ Easy to configure
✓ PlaceholderAPI support to display variable values wherever you want.
✓ Developer API
✓ Works with 1.8+

Commands: (The player parameter is only necessary when the specified variable type is set to PLAYER. You can add silent:true to the end of a command to hide the information message)
  • /svar set <variable> <value> (optional)<player> (optional)silent:true (Sets the value of a variable)
  • /svar get <variable> (optional)<player> (optional)silent:true (Gets the value from a variable)
  • /svar add <variable> <value> (optional)<player> (optional)silent:true (Adds a value to a variable, only if the variable value type is set to INTEGER or DOUBLE)
  • /svar reduce <variable> <value> (optional)<player> (optional)silent:true (Reduces the value of a variable, only if the variable value type is set to INTEGER or DOUBLE)
  • /svar reset <variable> (optional)<player> (optional)silent:true (Resets the value of a variable)
  • /svar reload (Reloads the configuration) (Alias: /servervariables)


Resource Information
Total Downloads: 6,887
First Release: Feb 3, 2023
Last Update: Oct 15, 2024
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All-Time Rating:
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