This update contains some breaking changes, please read before updating. You only need to update the SSX jar file, the connector hasn't changed.
Breaking changes:
- The effects.yml file is no longer used, please delete it to avoid confusion. Use join.yml for giving effects on join
- The toggleeffect action has changed from toggleeffect:name to toggleeffect:name:amplifier or toggleffect:name:amplifier:duration
- PlaceholderAPI placeholder namespace has changed from serverselectorx to ssx. If you use SSX placeholders in other plugins using PAPI, change serverselectorx to ssx in your placeholders.
New features:
- Join actions
- Exclude files from config sync
- addeffect: action with custom amplifier and duration
- Effect amplifier is now specified in the action instead of in a separate effects.yml file
- Text for PlaceholderAPI status placeholder is now configurable
- Head Database support! Use hdb:<id>
Bug fixes:
- Fixed PlaceholderAPI NullPointerExceptions when a player leaves the server
- Fixed dynamic modes less and more swapped
- Fixed config sync replacing non-latin characters with question marks
- Fixed config sync not syncing directories recursively
- NoSuchMethodException on player join on 1.7.10/1.8.8 servers with clear inventory enabled
Library updates:
- Updated Jetty to 9.4.28.v20200408
- Updated NBT API to 2.3.1. This version fixes a 1-2 second server freeze the first time the NBT API is used. You will also no longer see the update warning.
- Updated PlaceholderAPI to 2.10.6