Hi, I know you have been waiting for this update, so here is the list of changes.
- Recoded the skin system, now get the skins from api.isnakebuzz.com is available.
- Now the `notify update` parameter disable the console announce.
- Now holograms support ProtocolLib
- Added negative permission (/npc action (name) add false !hello.world cmd:/say Hello world)
- Added extra checks for holograms.
- Added parameter `CUSTOM API URL` for advanced users.
- Removed debug log.
- Fixed minor bug. (ConcurrentModificationException)
- Fixed minor bug with calls.
- Fixed Internal Hologram System.
- Fixed skin debug messages.
- Fixed bug with snake api.
- Fixed empty hologram bug.
- Fixed glow colors.
- Fixed bugs with Skin.
- Fixed minor bug with teleport.
- Fixed minor bug with holograms.
- Fixed minor bug with inventories.
- Fixed minor bug with asynchronous events.
- Fixed minor bug with Action Stepper.
- Fixed minor bug with Interact Actions.
- Fixed error with a closed channel.
- Fixed error related to Holograms.
- Fixed error with libraries.
- Fixed error that spam "null".
I hope you enjoy it, if you have suggestions come to my discord and make them, unfortunately due to time issues it will probably take a while to add them, but sooner or later I will add them.