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Sentinel -----

Combat NPCs for Spigot!

2.2.6 Update - A few new weapons
Sentinel version 2.2.6 build 408

This Sentinel build is cross-compatible with all Spigot versions from MC 1.8 up to 1.16.5

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Updates That Deserve Long Descriptions

- New weapon: WHITE_DYE equipped as an NPC's weapon will cause the NPC to shoot high velocity llama spit of death at its targets. This is only available in MC 1.13+. It looks ridiculous, and also *is* ridiculous. Enjoy. (Requested in GitHub issue #352).
- New weapon: SHULKER_SHELL equipped as an NPC's weapon will cause the NPC to shoot shulker bullets, almost exactly the same as a vanilla shulker mob does. This is only available in MC 1.13+. If you don't make attackrate longer, you will probably float forever. (Requested in GitHub issue #323).
- New weapon: BOOK equipped as an NPC's weapon will cause the NPC to trigger an imitation of the evoker fang attack. (Requested in GitHub issue #334).
- WorldGuard is now supported to define region limits! You can use `/sentinel wgregion [region name]` to force the NPC to stay inside of a WorldGuard region.

New Stuff

- Iron_Golem entities now do arm swings when attacking (Requested in GitHub issue #351).
- Sprinting at an NPC that has a shield and hitting it with an axe will now break the shield temporarily (replica of vanilla behavior) (Requested in GitHub issue #353).
- Enderman NPCs will now do the scream animation when they see a target. This is only available in MC 1.16 (Requested in GitHub issue #354).
- When AutoSwitch is enabled, an NPC will now swap to open hand when there is no danger (Requested in GitHub issue #345).
- Added support for the "SimplePets" plugin, so you can tell NPCs to ignore pets (Requested in GitHub issue #363).
- Towny support updated to new version (Requested in GitHub issue #358).
- Added a simpler API call to add targets in Java: eg sentinel.addTarget("monsters")

Things Fixed

- Spectral effects from spectral attack stayed forever - they now are temporary
----------, Apr 15, 2021
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 86,633
First Release: Apr 19, 2016
Last Update: Nov 13, 2024
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All-Time Rating:
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