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Sentinel -----

Combat NPCs for Spigot!

2.2.1 Update - MC 1.16.5, And A Bunch Of Little Improvements
Sentinel version 2.2.1 build 393

This Sentinel build is cross-compatible with all Spigot versions from MC 1.8 up to 1.16.5

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New Stuff

- "max_health" is now automatically read from the Spigot.yml by default instead of having a copy of it in the Sentinel config.yml
- Bumped build target first to 1.16.3, and then also to 1.16.4 after that, and then further to 1.16.5. No actual code changes were involved for these, just a version number in the build file changed.
- Internal code now uses new Citizens "getOrAddTrait" instead of the now-deprecated "getTrait" method.
- There is now a "/sentinel knockback" command, that can be used to disable knockback for an NPC ... note that it's rather imperfect, and works by just forcing the NPC's velocity to zero after getting hit (based on Discord discussion).
- The "/sentinel info" command received some internal cleanup.
- Enabled Citizens tab completion for "/sentinel" command (requested in GitHub issue #360).
- Some entity types (like zombies) are now able to swing their arms when attacking (requires MC 1.15+).
- Some entity types (zombies and skeletons) are now able to do a native punch action when 'workaround damage' is turned off, which means enchantments and other vanilla effects are 100% reliable (requires MC 1.15+).
- Fire_Aspect and Knockback enchantments now work when on a Sentinel NPC's melee weapon (requested in GitHub issue #344).

Things Fixed

- Arrows spawned too far in front of the NPC on modern servers, so they'll now spawn closer in (for 1.16+) (reported in GitHub issue #356).
- Sentinel attacks were able to damage item frames and other non-living entities (reported in GitHub issue #357).
- Unloading a world while players are in it caused an exception from Sentinel to appear, so that error is fixed (based on Discord discussion).
- Towny was throwing silly errors from the Sentinel integration (reported in GitHub issue #358).
- There were a lot of weird errors from "NPCs" that weren't actually NPCs (???) (based on Discord discussion).
- "Clans" integration had an error (fixed by GitHub PR #362).
----------, Feb 25, 2021
Resource Information
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First Release: Apr 19, 2016
Last Update: Nov 13, 2024
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