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Sentinel -----

Combat NPCs for Spigot!

2.1.0 Update - The Fixy Update
Sentinel version 2.1.0 build 350

This Sentinel build is cross-compatible with all Spigot versions from MC 1.8 up to 1.15

If you want to talk about Sentinel or get help with it, join the Discord!
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Updates That Deserve Long Descriptions

- Added "/sentinel projectilerange" command, setting, perms, etc. to control how far a Sentinel NPC is willing to fire a projectile (arrow, potion, etc). This is useful when "/sentinel chaseranged" is enabled, so that the NPC will move closer to targets it sees to launch a closer attack. This can be useful for: "Sneaky" ranged enemies (get close before starting the attack), potion wielding NPCs (potions shouldn't fly across the map!), and anything else you might think of that could make use of this. This has a default value of "100" (meaning that by default, 100 blocks is the maximum distance at which a projectile will be fired). (Based on Discord discussion)

New Stuff

- Bumped support target to 1.15.2
- API: SentinelIntegration objects can now specify that their value input should always be pre-lowercased. Squad and UUID reference integrations have this enabled. (Based on Discord discussion)
- "Retain target" is now persisted on a per-NPC basis instead of only the global config (but can only be changed per-NPC via API or saves hacking for now). (Based on Discord discussion)
- Sentinel API: Added a "target" variable to the "SentinelAttackEvent" (GitHub Issue #338)
- Cleaned up and improved the readme file a fair bit

Things Fixed

- Additional fixes to autoswitch, esp. for offhand items (based on Discord discussion that followed up on GitHub issue #317)
- Bad input to the "--id #" option on commands now gives a clean proper error message (based on Discord discussion)
- Fixed errors related to entity types that don't have equipment normally (based on Discord discussion)
- Fixed weird error messages that Spigot decided to add but weren't actually errors
- Fixed punching with a bow doing as much damage as shooting an arrow from the bow (based on Discord discussion)
- Fixed NPCs being still vulnerable after you remove the Sentinel trait (GitHub issue #332)
- Improved chase AI for "workaround entity chase pathfinder" mode (GitHub issue #335)
- Fixed problems with drops clearing themselves (based on Discord discussion)
- Fixed problems with NPCs facing weird directions while fighting sometimes
- Fixed issues related to dead NPCs (GitHub issue #339)
----------, May 12, 2020
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 86,633
First Release: Apr 19, 2016
Last Update: Nov 13, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
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