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Sentinel -----

Combat NPCs for Spigot!

2.0.0 Update - The Requested Features Update!
Sentinel version 2.0.0 build 315

This Sentinel build is cross-compatible with all Spigot versions from MC 1.8 up to 1.14

If you want to talk about Sentinel or get help with it, join the Discord!
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Star Of The Update

- EVERYTHING IS ADDED MOSTLY. By which I mean, I added almost all of the outstanding feature requests for Sentinel on the GitHub issues page. If you're waiting for a feature, it's either been added, is one of the 3 issues not yet done (custom target reaction system, heroic AI, flying AI), or is something I don't know you're waiting for (in which case please post it to the GitHub issues page). Adding the whole entire everything seems like a pretty good 2.0 update to me!
The other option was to not do anything special and then just release a 1.10 and 1.11 and etc. nonsense version numbers like Mojang does... where's my Minecraft 2.0?!

Updates That Deserve Long Descriptions

- Added a new better item-based targeting system. Previously targeting items was just "helditem:MATERIAL". You now get "helditem", "offhand", "equipped" (armor), and "in_inventory". Each of these now takes an 'item matcher' - this is, at it's simplest, just a material name or regex still (like "helditem:diamond_sword" or "equipped:diamond.*"), but you can also specify "name" or "lore" to match based on item display name or lore-lines instead of material (so "helditem:name:Big.*" will match items that have been renamed on an anvil to contain the word "Big"). A fun but basic usage of this new setup is to add a "helditem" target for an item, and then an "offhand" ignore for the same item. Then you can just hold the item and tap F to toggle whether the NPC is angry at you - like playing redlight/greenlight with the NPC! (Thanks to GitHub issue #307)
- Sentinel NPCs with a shield in their offhand will now use that shield. This system is far from perfect, but forms at least an initial pass at shield AI. When the NPC sees a threat coming (an active target that is directly ahead of them, and either is close or is holding a ranged weapon), it will raise the shield. When the shield is raised, the NPC will move slower and take less damage (this is all approximated, and is not guaranteed to function quite the same as vanilla shield mechanics). If you can describe a specific way the shield AI should be improved, please open a GitHub issue or poke me on Discord with details. (Thanks to GitHub issue #70)

New Stuff

- Added "/sentinel greetrate RATE", to configure the rate at which greetings/warnings can be shown (to prevent them getting too spammy). Defaults to 5 seconds. (Thanks to GitHub issue #310)
- The "/sentinel info" command is now automatically paginated, making it way more readable
- All numeric commands (like "/sentinel range", "/sentinel attackrate", etc.) now show their current value when ran without a new value - this is just to make those commands nicer to work with.
- Added "/sentinel weapondamage MATERIAL DAMAGE", a way to add custom weapon damage level per material to an NPC (ie so you can set a custom damage to a bow and a sword separately when autoswitch is on). Use like "/sentinel weapondamage diamond_sword 50". (Thanks to GitHub issue #125)
- Added "/sentinel weaponredirect MATERIAL_ONE MATERIAL_TWO", a way to make any item you want be treated like it was something different (so you can do "/sentinel weaponredirect wooden_sword bow" and then when the NPC holds a wooden sword, it will shoot arrows out of it). (Thanks to GitHub issue #68).
- Added "block sunburn" option to the config, enabled by default. This protects Sentinel NPCs from burning in the sunlight. (based on Discord discussion)
- Added "potion :POTION_EFFECT" target. Used like "/sentinel addtarget potion:bad_omen". Might be useful in some cases - perhaps add an avoid for certain strong potions, now players can craft a spook-the-NPCs-away potion! (Thanks to GitHub issue #185)

Things Fixed

- Giving a bad target name to an addtarget command will no longer list all possible targets, as that floods the chat way too much and isn't particularly useful (based on Discord discussion)
----------, Oct 27, 2019
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 86,633
First Release: Apr 19, 2016
Last Update: Nov 13, 2024
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All-Time Rating:
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