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Sentinel -----

Combat NPCs for Spigot!

1.9.1 Update - Support for MC 1.14!
Sentinel version 1.9.1 build 252

This Sentinel build is cross-compatible with all Spigot versions from MC 1.8 up to 1.14

If you want to talk about Sentinel or get help with it, join the Discord!
If you want to support my work, I have a patreon:

Star Of The Update

- MC 1.14 support. This is an INITIAL UPDATE that may have some issues. Please post any issues with this update to the GitHub issues page:

New Stuff

- Armor command now tells you what you've done, eg "/sentinel armor 1" will say "Set to 100% invincible armor", to improve clarity of how that works (following discussion on Discord)
- healrate/attackrate commands now output clearer messages
- Added a 'common issues' section to the readme, that explains how to resolve the most common issues.
- '/sentinel info' command now shows you the final calculated armor and damage values (for when you use '-1' to autocalculate it)
- To prevent future update troubles, I've added code to recognize "1.15" and "1.16" as being 1.14, to be "good enough" functionally until the full update for those versions is released.

Things Fixed

- Issues with 'removetarget' command having strange input requirements fixed.
- Issue causing squad names to have a stray space at the end fixed. This caused trouble with the 'squad:NAME_HERE' target. You may want to reassign any squad names to your NPCs after installing this update.
- Issues with NPCs being interpreted as players in 'event:' targets fixed. (reported on Discord)
----------, Apr 30, 2019
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 86,633
First Release: Apr 19, 2016
Last Update: Nov 13, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
147 ratings
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