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Sentinel -----

Combat NPCs for Spigot!

1.8.5 Update - The Multi-Target Update!
Sentinel version 1.8.5 build 238

This Sentinel build is cross-compatible with all Spigot versions from MC 1.8 up to 1.13

If you want to talk about Sentinel or get help with it, join the Discord!
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Star Of The Update

- The multi-target engine! You can add targets like multi: player,player,chicken (which will target 2 players and a chicken, if all 3 are together at once) and as well targets like allinone: player|healthabove: 50 (which will target specifically players with health above 50%). You can mix-and-match targets with the new "multi" and the "allinone" prefixes - see the README file for details and more examples -
A fun example of how to use it:
- /npc create "Angry Farmer"
- /trait sentinel
- /sentinel removeignore owner
- /sentinel addtarget multi:chicken,allinone :player|healthabove :50
- /sentinel addignore allinone :player|healthbelow :50
- /npc path
- click a single point on the ground
- /npc path
- /sentinel damage 3
- /sentinel chaserange 15
- /sentinel range 15
This will get you an NPC that, if you bring it a chicken, it will kill the chicken and then beat you down to half health, then return to its seat. This NPC hates chickens!
This feature was made following discussion on GitHub issue #271!

Updates That Deserve Long Descriptions

- Sentinel now has a config self-updater! This means if your config is outdated, rather than having to delete and regenerate it, it just adds the missing stuff automatically!
Note that it doesn't remove old things, which can in some cases mean you'll have outdated scrap lying around - when that appears you can either delete that by hand or manually regenerate if preferred.
When the config file self-updates, it will leave a notice around the end of the file telling you it was auto-updated.

- Sentinel NPCs will now use melee attacks on nearby targets, even while chasing down a more important target. This is to avoid situations where NPCs are running in circles after one player while other players attack the NPC. (reported on GitHub issue #153)

- Sentinel integration code has changed, primarily as an optimization and general improvement to that code. If you have added a SentinelIntegration via Java code to the Sentinel API, the way to do that is different now! See the README file for details. (Current builds of Sentinel are still partially backwards-compatible with outdated integrations, but please update those as quickly as possible).

New Stuff

- There have been various API improvements, including the new "SentinelNoMoreTargetsEvent" (requested on GitHub issue #266)
- Some basic compatibility with the "War" plugin added (see GitHub issue #65 for details)
- The "guarddistance" command is now available (previously exclusively configured by the config, now available to be configured per-NPC) (requested on GitHub issue #272)
- A config option for "no guard damage" (you can set it to true or false depending on whether you want players to be able to hurt their own NPC guards) (requested on GitHub issue #272)
- There is now a "/sentinel reload" command to reload the config (requested on GitHub issue #272)
- A few improvements to the readme have been made
- Wandering NPC paths are now supported
- Added "event:message,SOMETEXT" target (requested on GitHub issue #271)
- Added "/sentinel avoidreturnpoint" to set where the NPC runs to when avoid mode is activated (requested on GitHub issue #271)

Things Fixed

- Fixed an issue with NPCs attacking no-longer valid target (reported on Discord)
- Fixed issues with NPCs not following paths properly (reported by multiple users)
- Fixed issues with NPCs retaining targets after those targets are gone
- NPCs no longer get angry about things they can't see (for 'event' targets in particular) (reported on Discord)
- Fixed issues with pathfinding for guard NPCs (reported on Discord)
- Fixed issues with armor handling (reported on Discord)
- The default heal rate (for new config files) is now 5 seconds, instead of 1.5 seconds. Also, the format it displays as in "/sentinel info" is fixed (reported on Discord)
----------, Mar 25, 2019
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 86,633
First Release: Apr 19, 2016
Last Update: Nov 13, 2024
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All-Time Rating:
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