.-==--[- Changelog: -]--==-.
UPDATE#201 = We have completely re-written the way that you can go into cameras, our previous way of doing it had too much bugs in it, so we now have this new system.
UPDATE#202 = Added a zoom function, to zoom up to 6x
BUG#201 = Multiple Bug fixes.
BUG#202 = Turning the camera when multiple players are in that camera has been fixed.
BUG#203 = Players are now invisible when they are in cameras.
BUG#204 = Teleportation has been totally tuned.
BUG#205 =
BUG#012 debugged.
BUG#206 = Players will now be unmounted, when they are in a camera that is being deleted.
BUG#207 = You can not edit someone elses computer without their permission, or a server permission.spi