・Removed Vault from the prerequisite plugins.
・DiscordSRV has been added to the cooperation plugin.
・Added the feature to invert the result of the option.
・Added the option "@drole:<roleid>" to judge the role.
・Added the option "@droleADD:<roleid>" to add a role.
・Added the option "@droleREMOVE:<roleid>" to remove a role.
・Added the option "@dchannel:<channelid>" to judge the voice channel.
・Added the function to specify the player to the command "sbp <scriptkey> run ...".
・Fixed a part where the file system may not work properly on some OS.
・Fixed the command selector.
・Changed the message in the language file.
If you have installed the plugin "ScriptEntityPlus", please update to version "v1.1.6".