ScriptBlockPlus | 1.9 - 1.21 | All servers will be enhanced! icon

ScriptBlockPlus | 1.9 - 1.21 | All servers will be enhanced! -----

Allow you to add script to any blocks.

・A design error in the Redstone power detection process has been corrected.
----------, Nov 9, 2024

・Optimized block detection process.
・Fixed a bug that could prevent backup command from working properly.
----------, Nov 8, 2024

・Added support for Minecraft 1.21.
・Fixed “Initializing Legacy Material Support.” message due to old functionality.

Sorry to keep you all waiting!
----------, Sep 23, 2024

・Fixed a problem that caused packets to fail to be sent in versions 1.20.2 and later.
----------, Dec 30, 2023

・Fixed a problem where the process of detecting block updates was under heavy load.
----------, Sep 29, 2023

・Update-related functions have been removed due to the closure of the update server.
・Fixed a bug that caused the script "walk" to be executed twice in certain situations.
----------, Aug 7, 2023

・Added support for Minecraft 1.19.3.
----------, Jan 10, 2023

・Fixed a bug that prevented the ability to run scripts in Redstone from working properly.
・Several other problems have been fixed.

We are currently working on a successor plugin with updated source code that will work on multiple platforms.
It has been almost a year in the making, but it will take some time before it is released.
----------, Dec 7, 2022

・Added support for Minecraft 1.19.2.
----------, Aug 23, 2022

・Added the option "@invalid".
 - A special option to cancel the execution of an event.
----------, Feb 21, 2022

・Improved the API.
・Support for asynchronous processing of scripts.
・Fixed a bug that prevented some commands from working properly.
・Fixed a bug that prevented the GUI from opening under certain circumstances.
・Fixed a bug that caused GUI page switching to not work properly in some cases.
・Change the syntax of the option "@calc:" to "@if "
 - The settings will be automatically transferred.
・Change the syntax of the option "@scriptaction:" to "@action:"
 - The settings will be automatically transferred.
・Add "values" to the script settings (additional settings for selectors, name tags, etc. will be saved here).
 - The settings will be automatically transferred.
・The required version of the collaboration plugin " ScriptEntityPlus" has been updated to " 1.2.1".
----------, Dec 31, 2021

・Improved the API.
・Fixed a minor bug.
・Added support for Minecraft 1.18.
・Improved stability and compatibility of version-dependent processing.
・The required version of the collaboration plugin " ScriptEntityPlus" has been updated to " 1.2.0".
----------, Dec 3, 2021

・Updated message files.
 - *Please regenerate the files.
・Changed the way tools are identified.
・Added script search function to the tool "Script Manager".
・Fixed a bug that prevented it from working properly with Minecraft 1.12-1.12.2.
If you have installed the plugin "ScriptEntityPlus", please update to version "v1.1.9".
----------, Nov 22, 2021

・Updated message files.
 - *Please regenerate the files.
・Added script management tool.
 - See the WIKI for instructions on how to use it.
・Changed the specification of the command "sbp tool".
・Added the command "sbp <scriptkey> nametag [nametag]".
・Removed "<needs>" from the command "sbp <scriptkey> redstone <needs> ...".
If you have installed the plugin "ScriptEntityPlus", please update to version "v1.1.8".
----------, Oct 2, 2021

・Added the ability to run scripts repeatedly.
・Fixed a bug that prevented the tool "Block Selector" from selecting coordinates properly.
・Fixed a bug that caused an error when migrating old format scripts.
If you have installed the plugin "ScriptEntityPlus", please update to version "v1.1.7".
----------, Sep 12, 2021

・Minecraft 1.17.1 is now supported.
・Changed the location of the file generation.
・Added support for multiple languages to the config.
・Added escape characters to some options.
・Changed the way some options "$item:, @Hand:, @bypassPERM:, @bypassGROUP:" are written.
If you have installed the plugin "ScriptEntityPlus", please update to version "v1.1.7".
----------, Aug 24, 2021

・Removed Vault from the prerequisite plugins.
・DiscordSRV has been added to the cooperation plugin.
・Added the feature to invert the result of the option.
・Added the option "@drole:<roleid>" to judge the role.
・Added the option "@droleADD:<roleid>" to add a role.
・Added the option "@droleREMOVE:<roleid>" to remove a role.
・Added the option "@dchannel:<channelid>" to judge the voice channel.
・Added the function to specify the player to the command "sbp <scriptkey> run ...".
・Fixed a part where the file system may not work properly on some OS.
・Fixed the command selector.
・Changed the message in the language file.
If you have installed the plugin "ScriptEntityPlus", please update to version "v1.1.6".
----------, Aug 15, 2021

・Changed the specification of JsonAPI.
・Fixed a bug that prevented the script from being saved properly under certain conditions.
If you have installed the plugin "ScriptEntityPlus", please update to version "v1.1.5".
----------, Jul 22, 2021

・Added a new item to the config.
・Changed some messages in the language file.
・Minecraft 1.17 is now supported.
・Added the ability to display help for option when tab completion is performed.
・Added the ability to specify the description of the item in the "$item:, @hand:" option.
・Fixed a bug that caused the face of the glow entity to be oriented at an angle.
・Fixed a bug where scripts could be copied even though they did not exist.
・Fixed a number of other bugs.
If you have installed the plugin "ScriptEntityPlus", please update to version "v1.1.4".
----------, Jun 23, 2021

・Improved plugin processing.
・Removed "ProtocolLib" from the linked plugin.
If you have installed the plugin "ScriptEntityPlus", please update to version "v1.1.3".
----------, Apr 6, 2021

・Changed item related messages.
・Added Json configuration item to the config.
 - *It is recommended that you regenerate the file.
・Improved the internal structure of Json.
・Improved Json performance.
・Improved the performance of the plugin.
・Changed the item name replacement specification for messages.
 - *Replace the item name only if it exists.
・Fixed a bug in the option.
If you have installed the plugin "ScriptEntityPlus", please update to version "v1.1.3".
----------, Feb 22, 2021

・Fixed a process that may cause problems in the future.
If you have installed the plugin "ScriptEntityPlus", please update to version "v1.1.2".
----------, Feb 8, 2021

・Updated the API for the plugin.
・Improved plugin processing.
・Improved the file system.
・Significantly improved performance.
・Fixed a bug that prevented some functions from working properly when launched with older versions.
If you have installed the plugin "ScriptEntityPlus", please update to version "v1.1.1".
----------, Feb 8, 2021

・Updated the contents of the language file.
 - *It is recommended that you regenerate the file.
・Updated the API for the plugin.
・Improved plugin processing.
・Command "sbp export ..." has been removed.
・Command "sbp <scriptkey> redstone ..." has been added.
・Added the ability to run scripts in Redstone.
・Fixed a bug in the string.
・Fixed a bug where JSON was not updated.
・Various other bugs have been fixed.
If you have installed the plugin "ScriptEntityPlus", please update to version "v1.1.0".
----------, Feb 1, 2021

・Added support for specifying MinecraftID (eg minecraft:iron_shovel).
・It is also possible to specify with Material of BukkitAPI as before.
We have released a ScriptBlockPlus downgraded to Java 8.
If you have installed the plugin "ScriptEntityPlus", please update to version "v1.0.9".
----------, Jan 9, 2021

・Corrected the contents of the language file.
 - *Please regenerate the language file.
・Improvements have been made to the plugin API.
・Improved the internal processing of the plugin.
・The notation of the information display of the script has been changed.
・The function of the tool "Script Viewer" has been enhanced.
・Fixed a bug in the option "@bypassPERM :, @bypassGROUP:".
If you have installed the plugin "ScriptEntityPlus", please update to version "v1.0.9".
----------, Jan 8, 2021

・【Java Updates】
 - Updated development from "Java8" to " Java11".
 - * Later versions will not work without using " Java11".
・【File Updates】
 - Removed the setting " Platforms" that specifies the platform.
・【Feature Updates】
 - The cooperation plugin " ProtocolLib" has been added.
 - The cooperation plugin "PsudoCommands" has been deleted.
 - The function of the tool "Script Viewer" has been expanded. (Valid only when ProtocolLib is installed.)
If you have installed the plugin " ScriptEntityPlus ", please update to version " v1.0.8 ".
----------, Dec 31, 2020

・【Feature Updates】
 - Reduced the script processing load.
 - We have experimentally implemented a countermeasure for problems with mods that sort inventory.
If you have installed the plugin " ScriptEntityPlus ", please update to version " v1.0.7 ".
----------, Dec 26, 2020

・【File Updates】
 - Migrated the script format from "YAML" to "JSON".
・【Feature Updates】
 - Changed the contents of the API of the plugin.
 - The internal processing of the plugin has been significantly modified.
 - Added script trigger "HIT".
 - Added options "@bypassPERM:" and "@bypassGROUP:".
 - Changed the mode display of the tool "Script Editor" to the actionbar.
 - The target of the backup function has been changed to the plugin folder "plugins/ScriptBlockPlus".
・【Bug Fixes】
 - Fixed a bug where "Actionbar" and "Title" could not be executed if you did not have permission.
 - Fixed a bug that it does not work properly when there are parentheses in the argument of the command selector.
----------, Dec 23, 2020

・【Feature Updates】
 - The specification of the command selector function has been changed.
 - The cooperation plugin " PsudoCommands" is no longer required in 1.13.2 and later versions.
・【Bug Fixes】
 - Fixed a bug that the option "@blocktype" does not work properly.
 - Fixed a bug that the specification of option " @Delay" was different from the description.
----------, Dec 7, 2020

・【File Updates】
 - Updated the setting comment.
 - Removed setting "CommandSelector: true/false".
 - Changed the name of the element saved in JSON from "infos" to "elements".
・【Feature Updates】
 - Added the function that the log is hidden when the command is executed as an option.
 - The unit of time specified by the option "@actionbar" has been changed from "tick" to "second".
 - By using "*" as the initial letter of the command, the function that uses "Bukkit API" has been deleted.
 - Added a cooperation plugin "PsudoCommands" to implement the selector function.
 - Removed the previous selector function.
・【Bug Fixes】
 - Fixed a bug that some commands cannot be executed.
 - Fixed a bug that the option "@oldcooldown" does not work properly.
----------, Sep 9, 2020

- Fixed a bug that an error occurred in command related options in a specific version.
----------, Jul 8, 2020

- Fixed a bug that a command cannot be executed with a small number of plugins when the command selector is enabled.
 - You can execute normally by adding "*" to the initial letters of commands such as @bypass and @command.
 - Please use this function because it has been confirmed that the command of LuckPerms cannot be executed now.
 - In addition, this function disables the command selector, so if you add it to the initials, you cannot use the selector.
----------, Jul 3, 2020

- Fixed English and Chinese language files.
----------, Jun 17, 2020

- Fixed a bug that does not work properly when the setting "Update Checker" is disabled.
----------, Jun 16, 2020

- Fixed a bug that allowed the script to be executed when discarding items in certain situations.
- Fixed several bugs.
----------, Jun 14, 2020

- Fixed update function.
- Fixed internal processing of plugin.
----------, May 28, 2020

Since it is not a bug like updating, we will not update.

- Fixed a bug that some Chinese characters were in traditional Chinese.
----------, May 20, 2020

- Fixed several bugs.
- Addon " ScriptEntityPlus" has been added.(The thread of spigotmc will be created at a later date.)
----------, May 19, 2020

Since it is not a bug like updating, we will not update.

- Fixed a bug that part of the process to get the execution count of the script does not work properly
----------, May 9, 2020

- Fixed a bug that script sort does not work properly
- Change the save destination of option "@cooldown:" and "@oldcooldown:" to JSON
----------, May 8, 2020

Resource Information
Total Downloads: 13,824
First Release: May 6, 2020
Last Update: Nov 9, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
8 ratings
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