RTP icon

RTP -----

Deterministic-Time Random Teleportation

Operator experience upgrades
lots of changes since last week
  • added unique location setting to regions.yml, to ensure each randomization lands in a new spot
  • added expand option to config, to extend the selection range as chunks are eaten.
  • added onEvent permissions for random teleportation on various movement events and/or respawn event.
    • join
    • respawn
    • changeWorld
    • move (this one's hilarious)
    • teleport (recursive, useful for stress testing)
  • added unqueued permission to control who can generate a new (not queued) location for a teleportation, thereby limiting default users' control over server performance.
  • added an async location queue task after teleportation, to line up a next teleport on a low-priority task, rather than rely solely on a timer.
  • cleaned up a lot of the code
Thanks to the plugin's design, the new region options won't impact the number of rerolls, which I'm super proud of.
----------, Aug 18, 2021
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 311,947
First Release: Jul 30, 2021
Last Update: Sep 6, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
31 ratings
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Version -----
Released: --------------------
Downloads: ------
Version Rating:
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