RPGRegions [1.16+] icon

RPGRegions [1.16+] -----

Utilise your protection plugin to create skyrim-like discoverable regions

RPGRegions 1.4.5 - a QoL, feature and performance update
You will need to take steps if upgrading to ensure RPGRegions will work. Please read below.

RPGRegions 1.4.5 is a significant QoL, feature and performance update.

Firstly, thank you to the people who have contributed code over the last few months and also tested the plugin.

READ ME vvvvv
You should backup your database and RPGRegions folder first.

You MUST update your language files to use MiniMessage formatting, and include missing keys. Default:
Code (YAML):
next_page : "<gradient:green:yellow>Next Page"

: "<gradient:red:yellow>Previous Page"
: "Regions"
: "<gradient:gray:white>Discovered on: %s"
 - "<light_purple>%s discovered!"
 - "<white>Keep exploring to discover more!"
 - "<light_purple>%s entered!"
 - "<white>Already discovered!"
: "<green>Click to teleport"
: "<red>Teleport is on cooldown."
: "<yellow>Teleport will cost %d%s"
: "<red>You do not have enough money to teleport."
: "<red>We can't teleport you because you don't meet the requirements for that area!"
: "Unknown Realm"
: "<red>Exit"
: "<red>You require %s to enter this area."
 - "<white>Go to the previous page"
 - "<white>Go to the next page"
 - "<white>Exit the GUI"
: "<red>That is currently on cooldown."
: "<green>%s"
: "<gold>Discovering a new area (%d%)..."
: "<gradient:dark_green:green>✔ %s"
: "<gradient:dark_red:red>✘ %s"
: "<gray>Coordinates: %d, %d"

READ ME ^^^^^

MiniMessage formatting
RPGRegions now uses adventure and MiniMessage for message formatting. This leads to significant UI improvements, and the default message file has been overhauled.

Additionally, messages that did not have translations available have now been added.

Massive database rewrite - significant performance improvements and more
The database storage system has been rewritten and is now more efficient in RAM and CPU performance. This includes, but is not limited to:

  • Idle players will no longer be kept in the cache.
  • Fixed issues with players being prevented from joining due to "data already loaded".
  • A significant performance improvement at higher player counts due to analysing hot spots in the code with 100+ bots, and using a caffeine cache.
  • SQL databases will now be migrated. Currently, your databases will be migrated to include the increased varchar limit on region names change.
Commands rewrite using Cloud, and Folia support
All of RPGRegion's commands have been rewritten using cloud. This means commands now take better advantage of brigadier, have help lists, and significantly better tab completion.

Also in this commit, support for Folia has been added.

New plugins support, and multiple support for plugins, including MultiVerse fixed
Support for CustomStructures and GriefDefender have been added.

With CustomStructures, you can automatically generate regions from structures that generate in your world. See https://fortitude.islandearth.net/en/rpgregions-2/automatic-region-generation#custom-structures for details on how to do this.

Additionally, support for multiverse worlds has been fixed. Support for UltraRegions, and Dynmap has been fixed.

Dynmap now has options for opacity of the line and area itself.

Teleport costs
You can now specify a teleport cost for regions. There is also a "permission-based teleport costing system that can calculate distance" - please note I haven't written docs for this yet. The technologically experienced can read https://gitlab.com/SamB440/rpgregions-2/-/merge_requests/7.

New commands
/rpgri whereami - shows current regions you are in (for RPGRegions integration)
/rpgrd worldid <world> - gets the UUID of a world, if you need to change it inside the json file of an RPGRegion

Full changelog (new -> old):

----------, Aug 3, 2023
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 291
First Release: Jan 21, 2020
Last Update: Feb 2, 2025
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
15 ratings
Find more info at fortitude.islandearth.net...
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Downloads: ------
Version Rating:
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