Configuration You can configure almost everything - The normal Text prefix Standard is "&f" - The normal chat Symbol Standard is "" (No symbol is required) - The normal Chat-Sound Standard is UI_CLICK_BUTTON - The normal Chat-Sound-Volume Standard is 1.0 - The normal Chat-Sound-Pitch Standard is 1.0 - The whispered Text prefix Standard is "&f&o" - The whisper Symbol Standard is "#" - The whisper Range Standard is 5.0 - The whispered Chat-Sound Standard is UI_CLICK_BUTTON - The whispered Chat-Sound-Volume Standard is 1.0 - The whispered Chat-Sound-Pitch Standard is 1.0 - The stay duration of the text when finished displaying and when next is displayed in Seconds Standard is 5 - The displayed Height of the Text Standard is -2.0 - If the Minecraft Standard Chat is hidden when writing normally (Enabled means the Text will only appear above you and not in the Chat) Standard is true - If the Minecraft Standard Chat is hidden when whispering (Enabled means the Text will only appear above you and not in the Chat) Standard is true - If PlaceholderAPI-Support is enabled Standard is false!BETA! - If custom Prefixes are enabled Standard is false - The custom Prefixes where the "|" separates the permission (RPGChat.Prefix.INSERT) and the displayed Prefix - The list of whitelisted Worlds Standard is "world", "world_nether" and "world_the_end" - The Symbol for censored words Standard is "*", leave it empty to disable the feature - The list of blacklisted Words Standard is "bad" and "words" - The Chat-Cooldown Standard is -1 - If the AntiReat-Feature is enabled Standard is true
Commands /rpgchat reload - Reloads the Configuration /rpgchat fix - Deletes texts that didn't get removed /rpgchat channel "name" - Changes your current Chat-Channel!BETA!
Permissions RPGChat.Fix - For using the /rpgchat fix command RPGChat.Prefix.INSERT - Insert the Prefix permission RPGChat.Reload - For using the /rpgchat reload command RPGChat.Bypass - To bypass Chat-Cooldown & Anti-Repeat
Channels Channels can be switched via /rpgchat channel "name". They can be configurated inside the config.yml with this pattern: admin|10|&c The stroke: | splits it into 3 arguments. First is the channel name:admin (always lowercase!), the second is the range it can be seen: 10 (-1 is the whole world) and the third is the prefix: &c (for the message to be in a specific colour).
BETA-Version The newest Version contains experimental functions like Multiple Channel Support and PlaceHolderAPI Support! All of them are marked here with the !BETA! Tag. If something goes wrong, please disable these functions in the config and try it again!
If you have any problems don't hesitate to get in touch with me here (please check if your problem already exists): GitHub
TODO-List: - Improve Bad-Word-Filter [Priority low] - Increase performance [Priority normal] - Add Message-Trim-Function [Priority high] - Add more features for the Bad-Word-Filter [Priority low] - Fix collision bug when interacting/breaking/attacking while speech bubble is visible [Priority HIGHEST]