RoyaleProtectionBlocks [1.13+] icon

RoyaleProtectionBlocks [1.13+] -----

Your new alternative for protection stones

0.1.0 Alpha Released
Tested on 1.20.4 Paper
Parsed plugin into the new system completely. Some features may fail with some specific configurations, we suggest making a backup before. [NEW]
Included possibility to use MySQL instead of SQLite (Currently there's no auto-import from SQLite to MySQL). [NEW]
Incorporating new cooldown and async execution system for commands, to execute on async commands which uses data that may affect the server, and cooldowns which allows to add some cooldown on the commands individually. [NEW]
Included new possibility to specify +/- behind the max of a permission to use it to increase or decrease the current max amount instead of being a fixed value. Also the first permission to give a fixed value will be the only one to be used as the base instead of the highest number. [NEW]
Included new command /pb home [region id/display name] which allows to teleport to the home of a specified protection. It uses the display name of the protection if it has been set, otherwise it'll use the original region ID. [NEW]
Included new cost for teleports, which can be configured on the Config.yml file. It should work on the GUI and the new command. [NEW]
Included new cooldown for teleports, which allows to define the time between every success teleport. This only affects to the teleport after succeed, does not work the same as the cooldown from the command specifically. [NEW]
Fixed issue with importation of blocks due null values (Export included null values to make sure to give all the information, but wasn't properly managed on import).
Made changes to allow change the block type of a protection block, which will simulate a hide and show of the protection blocks already used to reload their visual aspect.
Now protections are removed if a protection block is removed.

The new plugin standard has been applied in this new compilation, and currently didn't give issues with some basic testings, but some commands or features may fail due any missing data on the parsing process.

Due to the new command system implemented on the plugin, probably any changes on the information in the plugins will not be available in-game, as the path of subcommands has changed from <Command>.<SubCommand> to <Command>.Subcommands.<SubCommand>. In order to fix it, you'll have to add the Subcommands section before the commands that are members of a command, and add one level to the subcommands' section. I suggest removing the commands section (Make a backup before) and letting it generate the default one to have an example.

This update, due the new system change, may give some issues depending on the configuration as every server has its own way to work with the plugin. In case anything fails or you have some issues to adapt your current configuration with the new system, we are available to offer support on this process.

Incoming features for v0.1.1 Alpha
Research for the implementation of a custom permission system so people can define what people can do inside a protection.
Research for the implementation of an API system on the plugin, which will require some changes on the current system.
Research for the implementation of a custom region system, which will be partial and still work together with WorldGuard, but will help with the transfer of the data to a standalone system.
Implementation of ProtocolLib, which will be used currently only for the /pb view command.
New setting to define a range outside protections which prevents other protections from being placed.
Customizable icons on the /pb list menu for protections.
New sort button for the /pb shop menu.
----------, Jan 21, 2024
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 129
First Release: Apr 15, 2023
Last Update: Feb 21, 2025
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
21 ratings
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