◆ Included two new events
ChatPlaceholderProcessingEvent and
◆ Created new public API. (
◆ Fixed issues with 1.20.6 due new changes.
◆ Applied all changes made on base libraries, being the must important one:
- Repaired gradient feature for messages, and switched format to: <(([klmno]*)|(\/))?((#[0-9a-fA-F]{6})*)>
Example solid color: <#B2E5F8>Hey </>
Example gradient: <#B2E5F8#F4B3EF>Hey </> or <#B2E5F8>Hey </#F4B3EF> (Colors can go on both sides)
Example multiple gradients: <#B2E5F8#F4B3EF#638B95>Hey </>
Including modifiers: <l#B2E5F8>Hey </>
- Reincorporated support on wave format for RGB colors, adapted to the new structure. Ex:
<w12#0100bb#090979#00d4ff>I'm surfing through the colors </>