Change Log:
Attention, it's a big update.
[+] Added support for
Usage: "Material: itemsadders-<name>
[+] Added new action
now if you add this option to actions, the default claimed item message "claimed_reward: "[BP] You claimed the reward: %reward%." will not be sent.
[+] Now you can create infinite pages, your own rewards files:
[+] New function "
amount: 1" now you can set the number of items that will be displayed.
[+] Removed the old button function, now you can enter "
menu-open: free_menu_page_2.yml" to open a menu of your choice, and not the old "is_back_button: true" key. New:
[+] Fixed a bug that caused 2 identical items to be claimed equally.
[+] Fixed a bug that caused Forbidden Worlds to not work as intended.