First of all, update CMILib to the latest version or you will get error messages.
Added Folia support, kind off. While plugin will load and of the testing most common actions work just fine and didn't encountered any issues, there might be some I have missed. So if error appear, let me know by making Github ticket. This isn't really made for live servers, not at the moment at least, as its not fully tested on how it will perform on live servers, but you atleast have testing platform now.
Fix for error message when your groups doesn't have default enter/leave messages set
Change for teleportation to the residence, this is follow up from previous update. Now we will inform player about invalid location if residence doesn't have teleport location set and we can't determine valid one instead of teleporting player to spawn location as last resort. Keep in mind that spawn teleportation is still used for actions like /res kick or /res unstuck or when trying to teleport player outside residence when he doesn't have permission to be in one.