Attention! From this version residence save files will be split into multiple ones, this mainly separates messages and flags which gets created by new saving mechanic. Why we need this? Well, with recent changes yaml file sizes got limited to 3MB max, this can create an issue if you have older server with more residences. With this new version there will be 2 additional files for each world with saved flags and messages. You can always go back by simply merging those files or changing option in config file for saveFileSplit from true to false while server is still running which will save files in old format. But if you have 1.19.2+ server its strongly recommended to keep that option enabled with NewSaveMechanic.
More robust solution will come later on with posible sqlite database saving mechanics.
- Fix for issue with /resreload command while providing extra variables
- Updated Chinese language (kqakqakqa)