Residence [1.7.10 up to 1.21] icon

Residence [1.7.10 up to 1.21] -----

Per player area protection plugin, excellent for survival servers

Please update CMILib
  • Updated ChineseTW language (flandretw)
  • Fix for issue relating to portal creation in older server versions
  • Fix for issue where you were able to empty bucket on residence edge
  • Fix for residence creation issue where error message appears about you not having enough money even tho you have exactly as much as it would be needed
  • Complex placeholder fix, this is for %residence_user_current_flag_[flagName]%
  • Fix for error message when internally we cant determine players name from players object. usually caused by custom NPC plugin creating fake players without all necessary information.
  • Improvement on nomobs flag which will not prevent mob spawning in that area on top of regular cleanups from it
  • Added option to click on a list of nearby residences to automatically show their information
  • Now residences which have hidden flag will not show up in nearby residence list, unless player uses resadmin command
  • Now checking residence information your flags will be placed at the first place, so your most important data will be first to be shown instead of being somewhere in the player list. This on itself means that we have no need for personal color, which got removed from locale file
  • Some rework for res info output relating to player flags. Now if there are more than 5 player names to be shown, we will only show first 5 while adding extra information about remaining amount of players with hover over option to see their names. This will resolve some of the issue and clutter when you have quite few players in your residence with personal flags set to them. On top of this, having this list shorter will result in issue where message would become to long for server to even handle it properly.
  • Now clicking on new additional text near player flags "and 28 others" will redirect you to new window with all players listed with their flags on side. This will allow you to have as many player records as you want without adding additional clutter while still having ability to check every player and their flag access. This can be accessed manually if needed by using /res info [resName] -players command
  • Clicking on any of the lines in new player flag window will automatically open pset GUI where you can adjust players flags. Just small convenient thing to have.
  • Added option to define max capacity for residence bank. By default its disabled, but you can always set it to whatever value you want and limit stored money in each residence.
  • Centralized flag set GUI auto pagination part which now is taken and used from CMILib for consistency sake
  • Centralized general auto pagination across entire plugin relating to chat messages to be taken from CMILib.
  • Dryup flag fix for older servers sometimes causing stackoverflow error
  • Fix for turtle egg being destroyed by players without destroy flag access
  • Added option to define area around residence where players can claim land. This defaults to 16 blocks, can be changed to anything you want in config file or disabled to have old behavior. While having this active player wont be able to create "touching" residences. Special exclusion is for players who try to create new residence near their own residence, in this case we will allow to create touching residences.
----------, Aug 11, 2022
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 2,959
First Release: Aug 29, 2015
Last Update: Feb 12, 2025
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
108 ratings
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