Now in case some one has access to permissions set in Trusted group ether with /pset command or with /padd then residence will show up in players residence list. Player needs to have all of those flags enabled for residence to appear in the list. Removing or even disabling single one will remove it and will no longer be visible by the player. Residence line itself will be shown in different color, by default its a white one for residence name, just to indicate that its not your residence and its not a rented one but residence you have been added too. Residences like that will be placed at end of the list. This will be more in line of adding friends to your residence and they can see those residences appearing in their list. Existing residences where you have flags enabled from "Trusted" group will appear automatically after updating. Do we need option to disable this?
Update for wrong locale being used for flag set UI for next/previous buttons
Fix for flag set UI containing ghost button
Flag set UI will have empty field filler as black stained glass pane
Fix for /res auto issue
Fix for automatic old residence cleanup not working properly