Disclaimer. This is not fully tested version and it got some major rework on permission handling, so use it if you are brave enough to do so.
Fix for keepinv flag and newest 1.14.4 spigot version
Fix for lingering potion throwing error in 1.13.2 servers
Removed resbank command as we already have bank command.
Huge change to all bypass permission format. You can check all permission at https://github.com/Zrips/Residence/wiki/Permissions but in general now flag bypass permission format is as residence.bypass.[flagName/featureName] before it was backwards and in some cases we had something like residence.flag.command.bypass but now its residence.bypass.command so update your permission nodes if you have been using them before for your staff members
Now on plugin load we will print out how many residences we loaded for each world.
Fixed /res select auto command
Updated wiki page for commands, permissions and flags, so have a look, maybe you will find something you dint know to exist before.