# ReportDiscordPlus Plugin Configuration # # By Francies # # These settings are very important for the plugin to work config_version: "2" discord:
webhookUrl: "https://discord.com/api/webhooks/your_webhook_id/your_webhook_token" pingRoleID: "YOUR_DISCORD_PING_ROLE_ID" allert: ":warning: New report available! :warning:" title: ":hammer_pick: ReportDiscordPlus :hammer_pick:" reaction: "\uD83D\uDC4D"
# Report cooldown time in seconds cooldown: 60
# If left empty, the default value will be 60 seconds
# Minimum and maximum length of the reason reason:
minLength: 10
maxLength: 100
# Messages messages:
playerNotFound: "&6&lReport&7&lDSPL &cPlayer not found." onlineplayer: "&6&lReport&7&lDSPL &cThis player is not online" cannotReportPlayer: "&6&lReport&7&lDSPL &cYou cannot report this player." missingReason: "&6&lReport&7&lDSPL &cYou must specify a reason for the report." cooldownMessage: "&6&lReport&7&lDSPL &cYou have to wait &9{timeRemaining} &cseconds before you can send a new report." reportSent: "&6&lReport&7&lDSPL &aYour report has been sent successfully!" noPermission: "&6&lReport&7&lDSPL &cYou do not have permission to run this command." consoleCommand: "&6&lReport&7&lDSPL &cThis command can only be performed by a player." staffAlert: "&6&lReport&7&lDSPL &6&lNew report available!&r &6Player: &9{player} &6- Reported Player: &9{reportedPlayer} &6- Reason: &9{reason} &6- Server: &9{server}" myself: "&6&lReport&7&lDSPL &cYou cannot report yourself!" usageClose: "&cUsage: /rpclose close <id>" usageReopen: "&cUsage: /rpreopen reopen <id>" reportReopened: "&aReport {id} has been reopened." reportClosed: "&aReport {id} has been closed." usageDelete: "&cUsage: /rpdelete delete <id>" reportDeleted: "&aReport {id} has been deleted." invalidPageNumber: "&cInvalid page number." reportListItem: "&7- &eReport {id}: {reporter} -> {reported} ({reason}) [Status: {status}]" reportListHeader: "&6&lOpen Reports (Page {page}/{totalPages}):" noReportsFound: "&cNessun report trovato." errorListingReports: "&cError during listing reports." openReportsMessage: "&aThere are {amount} reports open." reasonTooShort: "&cThe reason must contain at least {min} characters." reasonTooLong: "&cThe reason cannot exceed {max} characters."
title: "&6&lNEW REPORT FROM {player}" subtitle: "&9{reportedPlayer} has been reported for {reason} on {server}" button:
show_text_server_button: "&bTeleport to the server" show_text_tp_button: "&bTeleport to the reported player" teleport_to_server: "&6TP-SERVER" teleport_to_player: "&aTP-PLAYER" separator: "&6&l-" updateMessages:
header: "&c&l[&6&lRDPLUS&c&l]&r &eA newer version of &9ReportDiscordPlus &eis available!" versionMessage: "&c&l[&6&lRDPLUS&c&l]&r &eCurrent version: &f{currentVersion} &7| &eNew version: &f{latestVersion}" downloadMessage: "&c&l[&6&lRDPLUS&c&l]&r &bDownload link: &f{downloadUrl}"
playerNotFound: "&6&lReport&7&lDSPL &cPlayer not found." onlineplayer: "&6&lReport&7&lDSPL &cThis player is not online" cannotReportPlayer: "&6&lReport&7&lDSPL &cYou cannot report this player." missingReason: "&6&lReport&7&lDSPL &cYou must specify a reason for the report." cooldownMessage: "&6&lReport&7&lDSPL &cYou have to wait &9{timeRemaining} &cseconds before you can send a new report." reportSent: "&6&lReport&7&lDSPL &aYour report has been sent successfully!" noPermission: "&6&lReport&7&lDSPL &cYou do not have permission to run this command." consoleCommand: "&6&lReport&7&lDSPL &cThis command can only be performed by a player." staffAlert: "&6&lReport&7&lDSPL &6&lNew report available!&r &6Player: &9{player} &6- Reported Player: &9{reportedPlayer} &6- Reason: &9{reason} &6- Server: &9{server}" myself: "&6&lReport&7&lDSPL &cYou cannot report yourself!" usageClose: "&cUsage: /rpclose close <id>" usageReopen: "&cUsage: /rpreopen reopen <id>" reportReopened: "&aReport {id} has been reopened." reportClosed: "&aReport {id} has been closed." usageDelete: "&cUsage: /rpdelete delete <id>" reportDeleted: "&aReport {id} has been deleted." invalidPageNumber: "&cInvalid page number." reportListItem: "&7- &eReport {id}: {reporter} -> {reported} ({reason}) [Status: {status}]" reportListHeader: "&6&lOpen Reports (Page {page}/{totalPages}):" noReportsFound: "&cNessun report trovato." errorListingReports: "&cErrore durante la lista dei report." openReportsMessage: "Ci sono {amount} report aperti."
Now it is possible to teleport to the reported player by a button that exits in chat after a report. The permission to have is report.mc and of course also essentials.tp
Now it is possible to
teleport to the reported player by a button that exits in chat after a report. The permission to have is report.mc and of course also essentials.tp