# {TYPE} = get tool's type (diamond/gold/chain/stone/wood) # Note: it will be replaced to the cost that set in "item-type" # {MAX_DURABILITY} = get tool's max durability
- added item type.
Warning: please use this new config to make sure the new placeholder {TYPE} works fine!
Code (YAML):
check-update: true
Prefix: '&6&l
] '
command: true
# "/repair" to open Repair GUI anvil: true
# open Repair GUI on anvil repair-sound:
enable: true
#Player are only allowed to open the "RepaiGui" if only the anvil was placed by an admin. Only-Admin-Anvil: true
#===================================================================# # Available placeholders for repair-cost/item-type # # {DURABILITY} = shows item's broken durability. # # # # {ENCHANTAMOUNT} = shows item's enchantment amount. # # Note: if item doesn't have any enchantments, it outputs 0. # # # # {TYPE} = get tool's type (diamond/gold/chain/stone/wood) # # Note: it will be replaced to the cost that set in "item-type" # # # # {MAX_DURABILITY} = get tool's max durability # #===================================================================#
# Note: you can do math in "item-type" too. item-type:
DIAMOND: '2000'
GOLD: '1500'
IRON: '500'
STONE: '250'
WOODEN: '20'
repair-cost: money:
enable: true
cost: '
((10 *
}) + 200
) / 2'
enable: true
cost: '
} + 200
) / 100'
# Note: placeholder for showing custom cost. [repairgui_custom_<name>] # Example "repairgui_custom_token", "repairgui_custom_coins" # Placeholder for custom cost: # %player_name% : output player's name # %cost% : output total repair cost custom:
enable: false
# This feature required PlaceholderAPI cost:
1: #TokenManager name: token
type: '
%tm_token%' #put the placeholder that show player's balance cost: '
} + 200
) / 100'
command: 'tokenmanager remove
%player_name% %cost%' # Doesn't need to put "/" 2: #Coins name: coins
type: '
%gemseconomy_balance%' cost: '
} + 200
) / 100'
command: 'coins take
%player_name% %cost%'
Not-Enough-Money: '&cYou don''t have enough money to repair this item!'
Not-Enough-Level: '&cYou don''t have enough level to repair this item!'
# %name% will output the "name" that you have set in the custom repair prices Not-Enough-Custom-Currencies: '&cYou don''t have enought
%name% to repair this item!' No-Permission: '&cYou don''t have permission to do this!'